Dexter Cheng
* Director of Quantum Leadership Research Academy
* Chairman at Magnetar Asia
* Certified Quantum Leadership Coach
* Certified Business & Life Coach
* Certified Action Learning Coach
* Innovation Manager
* Design Thinking Facilitator
* Certified NLP Trainer/Consultant
* Certified Management Consultant
“Expedite Success & Joy for Businesses & People”
In Quantum Leadership...
We will help you upgrade your operating system as a leader, i.e. worldview, beliefs, and values. We will provide tools, skills, and exercises to raise your consciousness and awareness. We will help you build a better connection with yourself and those you lead and interact with.
We will share with you why many “leaders” fail to motivate people and how you can. You will learn about the four forces that affect your everyday life and performance, and we will help you develop the ability to tune your energy levels according to the Map of Consciousness.
Then you will be able to reframe whatever challenging situations. You can better handle your emotion and maintain the best state of making decisions. You will become a leader of different calibre with visions to actualize yourself and lead those who follow you to a better place.

My Training Experience
Dexter's expertise is in Quantum Leadership, Coaching, Selling Skills, Presentation Skills, Innovation Management, and Design Thinking. He has trained more than 30,000 people over the years. Dexter is an experienced training entrepreneur with over 25 years of corporate training experience. His service covers Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Korea, and Greater China.

My Certificates
Dexter is a Certified Quantum Coach, Certified Action Learning Coach, Certified Innovation Manager, Senior Family Legacy Planner, Certified NLP Trainer/Consultant, and Certified Management Consultant

Some of my served clients
ExxonMobil, Deloitte, Cathay Pacific Airlines, The Chinese University of Hong Kong CLP Power, Heareus, Fairchild Semiconductors, TSMC, Bank of Singapore, CITICPE Julius Baer, Bank of China International, Manulife, AIA, Pepsi, Swire CocaCola, Heinz, Roche New Asiatic, Abbott, Eli Lily, LG Chemical